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Bryden Wood is adopting a 9-Day Fortnight. Unlike other schemes, where employees work extra hours on other days to make up for a shorter week, at Bryden Wood the focus will be on working smarter and more efficiently, to give all employees a genuinely ‘Free Day’.
Mark Bryden, co-founder, says, “We’ve learned a lot over the past two years about new ways of working. We believe that our 9-Day fortnight demonstrates our commitment to making Bryden Wood a great place to work, while we continue to deliver exceptional and ground-breaking projects for our clients. It’s all about working smarter – something that is at the heart of our Design to Value approach.”
In this innovative 9-Day Fortnight, all Bryden Wood offices will simply be closed one day in every 10. This will usually be a Friday – except when there is already a national holiday on a different day in the fortnight. We will be publishing a calendar of planned Free Days for clarity.
The 9-Day Fortnight will start later in May.