Bryden Wood, Equinix, Data Center Design, Industrialized Construction and Process Engineering

Modern industrial advancement is transforming our lives, bringing about enormous shifts, just as it did during the second industrial revolution. The rapid pace of change in technology, climate and demographics presents the process and manufacturing industries with unprecedented challenges, risks and opportunities.

We deliver best-in-class design solutions for a range of industrial structures, for clients who include many of the world’s best-known companies. Our industrial building design work spans across sectors, including:

  • pharmaceutical
  • biotechnology
  • energy/power plants
  • automotive
  • chemicals
  • consumer products.

Our industrial architecture clients are increasingly aiming to integrate digital design into their wider asset strategies, as well as considering how to decarbonize and shape a more sustainable future. At the same time, increased competition resulting from globalization has given many industrial sector clients a renewed focus on maximizing value gained from capital spend.

We have developed our uniquely integrated approach to industrial architecture and design over many years. Our systemized construction (MMC) methodology requires taking all aspects of a project into account, from the sustainability of building materials, to the application of innovative, industrialized construction processes like Platform Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (P-DfMA).

Time and again, our clients have seen dramatic improvements in key business metrics, such as capital cost, lifecycle cost, and speed to market.

Maximising Benefits: Chip Thinking® and Digital Design Tools

Our Chip Thinking® approach is intrinsic to how we define and deliver industrial architecture and design projects.

Effective project definition and delivery requires understanding that must be shared across multi-functional teams. ‘Chips’ are the building blocks for our designs; discrete parts of the processes that make up a supply chain. We use them to bring data to life and consolidate stakeholder knowledge so that everyone can fully understand the project, and collaborate to find the best possible outcomes for every industrial design project.

We use Chips to undertake data analysis, visualization, and modeling to help teams see the full range of options for individual design elements and the overall project, including the impact of decisions and the best way forward. We use techniques ranging from process simulation to virtual reality, to illustrate and answer essential questions and reduce risk; making the most of cutting-edge construction technology at every opportunity.

Design to Value: Industrial Facilities that Truly Deliver

We have developed a unique, collaborative design method which maximizes the value gained from construction projects across the widest range of value-drivers. We call this Design to Value.

Traditional design methods often force owners to make far-reaching decisions early in a project without seeing all the possibilities or consequences. On complex industrial and manufacturing facilities this can result in building designs that fail to deliver value where it is most important.

Applying a Design to Value methodology requires a focus on purpose, a thorough understanding of what a process or manufacturing project is really aiming to achieve. This ensures that we - and our clients - always have a complete view of the project, and can assess every design decision against its effect on the overall outcome of the building.

Working Together from Design to Delivery

We collaborate with the most appropriate stakeholders from our client and the supply chain to assemble the best project team. Our engineers and analysts often become embedded in client teams to build our process understanding. At the same time, clients are often embedded in our design team, allowing us to reach a shared understanding of the best possible solution.

Design to Value delivers better-performing industrial facilities. Chip Thinking® enables knowledge sharing, collaboration, and rapid iteration. Our expertise in Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) helps us create industrial building designs that can be built more quickly, at less cost, with quality compliance baked in.

This is the value of our integrated approach to industrial architecture and design.


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