Together with Mark Bryden, Martin founded Bryden Wood Associates in February 1995.

From 1989-95 Martin worked with Nicholas Grimshaw at Grimshaw Architects on a collection of the UK’s most influential buildings, several of which have become iconic examples of the ‘Hi-tech’ movement. The 1990s saw significant change in the design and construction industry with the widespread adoption of computer aided design and methods of construction that are now commonplace. Martin was fortunate to be part of the vanguard and worked with some of the chief protagonists of 20th century design and engineering.

Since its inception, Martin has led Bryden Wood’s unremitting ambition to create value beyond the common ‘value drivers’ of individual projects. He has pioneered a new, transformative way of delivering critical infrastructure that employs a systematic approach, automation, and manufacturing in place of traditional bespoke construction.

Through a multidisciplinary approach to design, Bryden Wood has become synonymous with transformational innovation in DfMA, industrialised construction, and component-based construction to deliver projects at pace and scale. And, over the last decade, has been at the forefront of creative technologies, developing data-driven design automation tools using algorithmic design methods and leading-edge analytics.

Much of Bryden Wood’s focus is on producing high-performing models for accelerating and industrialising new technology – creating technological infrastructure to support the decarbonisation of energy, and innovations in healthcare, life sciences, transportation, communication, and industry. 

The company is well-known in the data centre design world for developing highly efficient, repeatable, standardised designs using its trademarked Chip Thinking® process along with a deep understanding of the future of the global data centre market. 

Martin continuously explores new opportunities to evolve Bryden Wood’s purpose: connecting disparate industries through the lens of industrialisation, cross-pollinating thinking and design ideas and applying the disciplines of manufacturing to lower the entry threshold of new technologies.

 In 2022, he co-authored the RIBA-published book: Design to Value.
